Welcome to ONTRACKNZ
ONTRACKNZ connects people with the right training providers and employers who are interested in seeing them succeed.
Businesses interested in developing new team members, get free access to the profiles, where they can select the individuals
with the best fit and provide work experience or opportunities.
We are on a mission to grow and develop NZ’s future workforce.
OSH Forklift Certificate
You do not need a drivers licence to complete this 2 day OSH Forklift Certificate.
7-9 Credits - Level 3
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Manual Handling
This Manual Handling course is structured on four simple manual handling techniques. Take the first step towards creating good habits and to have these learnings used in every lift you make.
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MPI Approved Person Certificate
An MPI approved certificate enables individuals to inspect, unpack, contain and report biosecurity threats from imported shipping containers. While this course has no credits it is helpful for freight forwarding and warehousing positions.
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First Aid Courses
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Mental Health 101
Good workplace mental health awareness, wellbeing and mindfulness is associated with improved team engagement, reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, workplace harmony, improved morale and greater job satisfaction.
S&W Certified Intro to Health & Safety
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Life Care Pre-Employment Medical Check
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